


Workshops & Keynotes on Storytelling

I teach you how to tell your story.


Becks Vogels , Ph. D. (she/her) is an author, screenwriter, and ambassador for storytelling.

Her expertise in storytelling is very diverse: At 23, she moved to New York and experienced how every cab driver could tell their story. Later, she worked in Silicon Valley at Salesforce, one of the biggest tech companies. After writing three books, she decided to study screenwriting at UCLA and learn from Hollywood’s best storytellers.

Becks Vogels was born in Germany and has lived in Vienna, New York, and San Francisco. She has worked with companies and organizations such as United Nations, Salesforce, Vodafone, Deka Bank, and Gilead Sciences and is an experienced keynote speaker and workshop leader. She was nominated as one of the Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Tech by the California Diversity Council.

Her keynotes and workshops combine narrative psychology, art, philosophy, Hollywood storytelling, and hands-on advice on how to tell a story only you can tell.

Storytelling is an existential subject: we all tell ourselves stories, all the time. And these stories create meaning. No one knows this better than Hollywood’s greatest screenwriters and storytellers.


“There is a lot we can learn from Hollywood: Hollywood tells stories which are memorable. They touch us, they make us laugh.

It has never been more important to think about your story.

And Hollywood has a lot to teach us. “

I strongly believe: Everyone has a story to tell.


Do you want to tell your story better?

We offer trainings and workshops for organizations, companies, leaders, educators, and individuals.

Storytelling is not just communication but identity. And it is deeply ingrained in our lives. Now more than ever, in a time of stratification and change, storytelling matters. It’s a uniquely human power, allowing us to connect across divides and relay more than just facts.

The power of connection through storytelling is something I know well: I believe a great story can be like a bridge, connecting people, ideas, and thoughts. In my keynotes and workshops, I combine Hollywood Storytelling with personal narrative and hands-on advice.

My audiences walk away with practical advice, usable tips that they can apply right away, and a deeper understanding of the importance of stories.

“I admit I am a fan. She made me one within the first hour I knew her, because what she brought to the table was … extraordinary."

Georg Wachtberger, ERSTE GROUP

„ When I was 23 and moved to New York, I noticed that every cab driver could tell me their story. I became fascinated with the stories that we tell and the ones we want to tell, but might not be able to yet. “